Statement Signs by Redefining Creativity

Statement Signs by Redefining Creativity

Annika, first grade teacher turned painter, is on a creativity journey. As owner of Redefining Creativity Statement Signs, she creates witty, funny, and inspirational home decor signs. These statements are hand painted on canvas in black lettering on a white background. Her experiences influence the subtle and sometimes bold statements and designs. She hopes others can relate to them and laugh….or at least giggle when reading the witty and inspirational statements.

About Redefining Creativity

Annika is a first grade teacher who needed a creative outlet as a way to de-stress , especially after a life-altering event in her classroom. She turned to art, something she felt was not a strength of hers but wanted to improve upon. Annika began creating home decor signs with different sayings and quotes that would bring a smile to her face. After having success selling to friends and family, Annika decided to expand her line of home decor signs and take them public. Redefining Creativity was born. Today, Annika is putting smiles on people’s faces with subtle black and white canvas signs with witty, funny, and inspirational statements.
The black and white canvas signs include these witty and inspirational statements:
  • Changing the toilet paper will not cause brain damage
  • don’t grow up it’s a trap
  • Being an adult is like folding a sheet
  • have a nice poop
  • hello sweet cheeks!
  • Marriage: An Endless Sleepover With Your Favorite Weirdo
  • stay humble, work hard, be kind
  • steal my heart not my blankets
  • and so together they built a life they loved
  • Life is getting too complicated – time to be a unicorn