Introducing Natural-Way Vinaigrette
Natural-Way Vinaigrette is a great tasting, low calorie salad dressing and marinade available in Cherry, Blueberry, Spicy, and Maple Cinnamon flavors. It is made with simple ingredients and 100% pure apple cider so you can be confident of consuming a vinaigrette that is not only tasty, but also healthy. No salt and gluten free! This natural vinaigrette is delicious and has a wonderful aroma that you can’t resist. It tastes great on salads, sub sandwiches, and also as a marinade for chicken, pork, fish, and beef. Natural-Way Vinaigrette is available for single purchase or in a variety pack.
- Cherry Vinaigrette has all natural tart cherry juice. Cherries are great for inflammation and arthritis.
- Blueberry Vinaigrette is made with a super blueberry concentrate. Blueberries are great for lowering cholesterol and the risk of heart disease.
- Spicy Vinaigrette has cayenne pepper. Cayenne pepper can help with an upset stomach, ulcers, sore throat, and cough, anti-flu and cold agent, anti-allergen and digestive aid.
- Maple Cinnamon Vinaigrette made with 100 % pure maple syrup and ground cinnamon. Maple syrup can provide great antioxidants and an awesome natural sweetener. Cinnamon can control blood sugar, control IBS symptoms, assist in weight lost and so much more.
Natural Vinaigrette on Strawberry Salad
Natural Vinaigrette on Salad
Natural Vinaigrette on Pork